Source-to-Contract​ Software

From sourcing to contracting, Weproc is there to support you at every stage.

Weproc is SourcetoContract (S2C) software that enables you to centralize all your purchasing management. Identify, evaluate and select the most appropriate suppliers to meet your company’s needs.

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Weproc, Source-to-Contract software for SMEs.

Source–to–contract (S2C) software offers an integrated, automated approach to the contract management process. It enables you to manage all the key stages, including supplier research and evaluation, as well as the storage and tracking of your contracts. Weproc allows you to centralize all supplier and contract information, making it easier for you to find suppliers during the sourcing process. Contract management functionality makes it easy to centralize and share all important information.

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Source-to-Contract vs Procure-to-Pay

It’s crucial to distinguish between Source–to–Contract (S2C) and Procure–to–Pay (P2P), as both are of vital importance in purchasing management.


Source–to–contract is an essential process in corporate purchasing management. It encompasses all stages, from researching, evaluating and selecting potential suppliers, to negotiating contracts and finalizing agreements. S2C aims to optimize supplier relationships by facilitating the search for and identification of the best business partners. This enables us to guarantee the quality of our products or services, while negotiating advantageous contractual terms. The Source–to–Contract process also focuses on compliance with current internal policies and regulations, ensuring transparent and efficient contract management.


Procure-to-pay, also known as “P2P”, is a complete process that covers all stages of an organization’s purchasing management, from the identification of requirements to the payment of suppliers. Unlike source-to-pay, procure-to-pay software does not include supplier sourcing, or even contract management. Supplier invoice management is also part of this process. The aim is to optimize purchasing management, ensure compliance with internal policies, reduce costs, improve the efficiency of procurement processes and strengthen supplier relations.

Weproc, logiciel Source-to-Contract pour PME & ETI innovantes.

Spending and the quality of products and services are crucial factors that depend on relationships with your suppliers. To maximize your efficiency, you need to be close to your suppliers and closely monitor their performance.

With S2C software like Weproc, leave nothing to chance. Take control of your purchasing process Stay close to your suppliers, and monitor your performance as it should be.

Risk management

Risk management

Be proactive in managing your supplier relationships by centralizing and tracking all interactions live. Don’t let any details slip through your fingers, and minimize the risks associated with your projects.

Instant collaboration

Instant collaboration

With its supplier portal, Weproc facilitates direct exchanges with your suppliers: create consultations, centralize offers and quotes, send purchase orders with ease.

Monitoring in real time

Monitoring in real time

You will never lose track of what’s going on, thanks to the detailed history and tracking of all your actions: at a glance, you’ll be able to keep abreast of the status of your requests, and check that your suppliers have received your project information.

Our S2C modules



Structure your supplier competition on Weproc. Generate consultations and encourage your suppliers to submit their bids with a single click. Bids are compared automatically, allowing you to focus on the essential aspects of your business. Simplify your exchanges with your suppliers and improve your performance.

Contract Management


Take full advantage of your framework agreements and supplier contracts to optimize your order management. Weproc, our comprehensive S2C software, facilitates the digitization of your supplier contracts, ensuring optimized management. Intelligently monitor your contracts for efficient procurement and state–of–the–art financial management: receive alerts for tacit renewals, automatically analyze your year–end discounts and track consumption trends.

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Supplier Performance


Boost your company’s success by optimizing your supplier relationships. With our solution, you have the power to strategically monitor and improve your suppliers‘ performance. Use our advanced monitoring, evaluation and collaboration modules to optimize transparency and control.

Procurement Software


Weproc helps you control your expenditure commitments. Thanks to real–time order validation and centralized data, you can optimize your processing costs. Benefit from sound supplier management, modeled indicators and adapted statistics, all without the need for reprocessing.

Discover all our features


Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions ? We got the answers !

What is the Source-to-Contract process?

The SourcetoContract (S2C) process is a key term in purchasing and supply chain management. It refers to the set of activities that begin with the identification of potential suppliers and end with the conclusion of a contract with the chosen supplier.

This process includes supplier discovery, contract negotiation and implementation. It is essential to ensure that companies work with the best possible suppliers, obtaining the best terms and the most competitive prices.

The importance of the S2C process lies in its impact on purchasing management efficiency and supply chain performance. It provides better visibility of spend, facilitates supplier risk management, improves compliance and optimizes supplier relationships.

Sourcetocontract software can greatly facilitate this process by automating numerous tasks, providing accurate, realtime analysis, and improving collaboration with suppliers. It can also help manage and maintain contracts, which can lead to better risk management and substantial cost savings.

What are the steps of the Source-to-Contract process?

The SourcetoContract process is a cycle comprising several key phases, from sourcing to ongoing collaboration after contract signature. The key stages are as follows:

  • Sourcing: This stage involves researching and identifying potential suppliers who could meet your specific needs.
  • Request for quotation: Once you have identified potential suppliers, you can invite them to submit proposals or offers to supply the goods or services required.
  • Bid evaluation: This phase involves evaluating suppliers on the basis of their proposals, their ability to meet your needs and their overall reliability.
  • Integrating the right supplier: Once you’ve selected a supplier, you can begin the integration process, which involves setting up systems and processes to work effectively with that supplier.
  • Contract setup: This stage involves negotiating the terms and conditions of the contract with the supplier. Once all parties are in agreement, the contract can be signed and put into effect.

How do you source the right suppliers?

How do you source the right suppliers?

Supplier sourcing is an essential step in the procurement process that can have a considerable impact on your company’s success and profitability. Here are some key steps to successful supplier sourcing:

  • Understand your needs: Before you start looking for suppliers, it’s crucial to fully understand your needs in terms of products or services. This understanding will enable you to target the suppliers best suited to your business.
  • Sourcing and evaluating suppliers: The next step is to research potential suppliers and evaluate their ability to meet your needs. This assessment may include looking at factors such as price, quality, reliability, reputation and customer service.
  • Request quotes: Once you’ve identified a few potential suppliers, the next step is to request quotes from them. This will enable you to compare the prices and services offered by different suppliers.
  • Negotiate and sign the contract: Once you’ve chosen a supplier, the next step is to negotiate the terms of the contract. This may include negotiating price, delivery times, payment terms and other aspects of the contract.
  • Supplier monitoring and evaluation: Once the contract has been signed, it’s important to continue monitoring and evaluating the supplier’s performance to ensure that they meet your expectations.

Supplier sourcing software can greatly facilitate this process, automating many tasks and providing tools to help with supplier evaluation and selection.

How does Source-to-Contract software work?

SourcetoContract (S2C) software is a powerful tool for optimizing enterprise procurement and contract management. It provides a technological solution that streamlines these processes.

As early as the sourcing phase, S2C software enables efficient identification of potential partners. It is based on various relevant criteria, such as product or service type, location, production capacity and reputation. Once suppliers have been identified, the tool enables a complete and detailed evaluation of each partner. This evaluation can take into account several factors, such as quality, reliability, cost and level of customer service. In this way, the choice of supplier is made in an informed and objective manner.

The S2C software also facilitates the request for quotation process, by enabling simultaneous requests to be sent to several suppliers. It ensures rigorous followup of these requests, and offers the possibility of comparing the different offers received. Once a supplier has been chosen, the software is involved in the negotiation and contract signature phase. It offers tools for comparing the terms proposed by different suppliers, and for tracking contract modifications. It also facilitates electronic signature of the final contract.

Finally, once the contract has been signed, SourcetoContract software offers supplier monitoring functions. It verifies compliance with contract conditions, manages contract renewals and monitors supplier performance.

How can Source-to-Contract software help optimize purchasing costs?

SourcetoContract software is an invaluable tool for optimizing a company’s purchasing costs. It automates and streamlines the entire procurement process, from sourcing to contract signature. This translates into increased efficiency and reduced operational costs.

In addition, SourcetoContract software supports strategic decisionmaking by providing clear visibility of supplier spend and performance. It helps identify areas where savings can be made, for example by negotiating better rates with suppliers, or consolidating purchases to achieve volume reductions.

This type of tool can also contribute to risk management by ensuring compliance with regulations and corporate purchasing policies. This helps avoid unexpected costs linked to compliance or quality issues with suppliers.

Weproc Purchasing Software makes managing your business easier

Weproc automates corporate purchasing management and streamlines your exchanges within a collaborative, user-friendly solution.

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