Control your internal processes

Set your own rules : approvers, amounts

Take control of your internal processes

Validation Workflow

Validation Workflow

Adapt your validation circuits to ensure procedural compliance.

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Supplier Management

Supplier Management

Centralize and review your suppliers to improve your purchasing efficiency.

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Visibility & Control

Visibility & Control

Weproc offers complete, real-time monitoring of purchasing flows.

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suivi des depenses

32% additional expenditure when the internal purchasing procedure is not well defined.

Ordering is at the heart of expense management.

Poor in-house purchasing management can lead to unnecessary expenses, ordering errors and loss of valuable time.


Weproc offers a centralized platform to manage all aspects of your purchasing, from supplier management to spend analysis, while respecting the purchasing policy in place.

Customize your validation circuits

Optimize your approval processes by customizing the rules to meet your needs. With Weproc, you can define the different steps and approvers for each type of request. Customize your workflows to ensure that your expenses are compliant and that deadlines are met.

Easily configure approval thresholds for each expense type, based on different cost items and responsibility centers.

creer workflow achats

Manage all your suppliers with ease

Manage all your suppliers with Weproc. Block, suspend or remove unwanted suppliers and centralize all your contacts in one place. You can also view your suppliers’ ratings and track their performance.


Facilitate the management of your suppliers and gain in efficiency with our solution adapted to the challenges of a modern company.

Maintain visibility into your purchase flows

Ensure complete visibility into your purchasing flow in real time. Track the progress of each request, monitor your expenses and detect anomalies quickly.

With Weproc, you can also forecast your future needs based on your purchasing history. Don’t let any more expenses go unnoticed, keep visibility on your purchases.


Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions ? We got the answers !

How to optimize the purchasing approval process?

To optimize the purchasing approval process, it is important to define a purchasing policy with clear approval criteria, set up transparent communication between the different parties and rely on eprocurement tools such as Weproc to facilitate exchanges.

A well-structured purchasing process can bring many benefits to a company. In particular, it allows for better spend management and cost reduction.

How can we ensure purchasing compliance?

To ensure purchasing compliance, it is essential to implement control and validation procedures, to involve the company’s legal and financial departments, to monitor legal and regulatory changes and to raise awareness of good purchasing practices.

How does Weproc streamline internal processes?

With Weproc, it’s easy to set up an accurate and regular monitoring and reporting system, to consolidate data from all departments and services of the company, to analyze the results to identify cost optimization opportunities and to easily communicate with your suppliers.

At the accounting level, our tool will allow you to digitize supplier invoices to facilitate the pre-accounting phase.

How to measure the effectiveness of its internal procedure?

To measure the efficiency of your internal procedures, it is recommended to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the average purchase cost, the average order processing time, the order error rate, etc.

These KPIs should then be regularly monitored, compared to industry benchmarks and used to continuously improve the company’s purchasing process.

What are the different types of corporate purchasing processes?

In general, there are three types of corporate purchasing processes :

  • the centralized process,
  • the decentralized process,
  • the hybrid process.

In a centralized process, purchases are made by a single entity within the company, while in a decentralized process, several departments or sites may make purchases. Finally, a hybrid process combines both.

Our additional features

Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy

Optimize your purchasing with a tailored policy: workflows, budget tracking and reporting tools.

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Supplier Relationship

Supplier Relationship

Foster active collaboration with your suppliers to improve productivity and profitability.

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Purchase Traceability

Purchase Traceability

Take control of your purchases with full visibility of your deliveries through a paperless process.

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Weproc Purchasing Software makes managing your business easier

Weproc automates corporate purchasing management and streamlines your exchanges within a collaborative, user-friendly solution.

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