Privacy Policy

Current as of January 15, 2022

WEPROC’s Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with information about the conditions under which WEPROC collects and processes your Personal Information.

By accessing and using our web sites and the WEPROC software, you agree to read this Privacy Policy, which may be modified or updated at any time without notice. Any changes will be posted on the Site and you are advised to review it regularly.

I. Purposes of processing

We collect and process the data you voluntarily provide to us in order to access and use Weproc, to make requests to our teams (demonstrations, contact form) or to access our online resources.

We also collect and process data about our Users’ preferences and traffic (such as IP addresses).

Specifically, we process your Data to enable:

the consultation of our websites ( and;

the creation of environments (paid versions and trial versions) to access Weproc and use our services;

sending contact forms and online demonstrations; downloading our online resources;

the management and follow-up of the commercial relationship (invoices, payments, complaints and support to Users);

the provision of the websites and their various functionalities; improving our services;

managing the security of the site and the Software;

l’amélioration de nos services ;

la gestion de la sécurité du site et du Logiciel ;

the management of requests to exercise the various rights of Users: rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, opposition, and limitation.

II – Data collected

To open a license and thus use Weproc, you must provide us with at least the following personal identification information :

first and last name

email address

You can complete your profile with other Personal Data (telephone number, photo, name of your suppliers, etc.). We will never collect or process sensitive Personal Data as defined by the regulations, concerning, for example, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, etc.

1.2 We collect information relating to the contractual relationship we have with you: history, modules subscribed to, billing and payment details, requests and incidents reported to the support service, etc.

1.3. We collect, by means of certain cookies deposited automatically on your terminal, or other cookies subject to your express consent, certain Personal Data during your visits to our site ( for example, the date, time and duration of your visit to our site, the path of your navigation, the type of your operating system, etc.

A cookie is a small file stored by a server in the terminal (computer, telephone, etc.) of a user and associated with a web domain (i.e. in most cases with all the pages of a single website). Its function is to enable the site to function, to facilitate navigation (memorise technical choices, past activity), to improve the use of the site and the service and to better understand the experience of Users. The maximum lifetime of a cookie is 13 months.

III. Use of your Personal Information

Personal Data is used only in the cases provided for by the regulations in force:

The execution of the contract related to your use of the WEPROC Software

The respect of a legal obligation

Your consent to use your data

Our legitimate interest in carrying out prospecting or promotional operations for Weproc.

IV. Processing of Personal Data

WEPROC collects and processes your Personal Data in a fair and lawful manner, and in compliance with the principles of the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (RGPD). WEPROC is responsible for the processing of your Personal Data in the sense of the RGPD.

WEPROC has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) that you can contact at

The DPO’s mission is to:

To make WEPROC’s employees aware of the protection of the Users’ Personal Data

To accompany them during the implementation of the processing

To answer to the requests related to the exercise of your rights, according to the article VIII.

V – Security of your Data

WEPROC makes every effort to prevent the loss, misappropriation, intrusion, unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction of the Personal Data you provide to us.


Data is stored in the European Economic Area. Weproc’s server security and update control is done in real time;

WEPROC’s employees are subject to a confidentiality and non-disclosure obligation and have all signed a specific commitment regarding the protection of Personal Data;

The access to your Data is controlled by a strict access control policy, reserved to authorized persons, under defined conditions.

When we use service providers to process Personal Data, we have previously verified that these service providers guarantee an equivalent level of protection in terms of security.

VI – Data retention period

WEPROC keeps your Personal Information in accordance with the following legal and regulatory provisions:

We keep the information related to the management of the Customer’s account, invoicing, payments 10 years after the end of the contract or the last contact from the inactive Customer.

We keep information relating to the constitution and management of prospecting files 3 years after the last contact from the prospect.

We are obliged to keep for 1 year the following Personal Data resulting from the creation, modification or deletion of User Content:

Connection identification;

The identification given by the terminal;

Types of protocols ;

Nature of the transaction;

Date and time of the operation;

Identification used by the author of the operation.

When the retention of Data is no longer justified by the management of a Customer account, a legal obligation, commercial requirements, the establishment, exercise or defense of our legal rights, or when you ask us to do so by application of one of your rights (Article X), we will securely delete your Data.

VII. Access to your Personal Information

7.1. Access to your Data by WEPROC employees

According to the purposes defined in Article I, WEPROC’s authorized employees may have access to the Personal Data.

The access to your Data is done on the basis of individual access authorizations, as specified in article V.

7.2. Transmission of the Data

WEPROC can subcontract the following services:



Technical developments

According to the article 28 of the RGPD, the access to your Data by our subcontractors is provided and framed by a contract. This contract that binds us with our subcontractors lists the different regulatory obligations that weigh on him regarding the protection of Personal Data.

VIII. Transfer of Personal Data

We store your Personal Information in the European Union.

If the Data we collect is transferred to processors located in other countries, we first ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to govern any transfer of Personal Data (such as the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses with additional security safeguards) in accordance with the GDPR and the recommendations of the European Data Protection Committee.

We may also provide our Users’ Personal Data only if required by French law or ordered by a French court.

IX. Communications from WEPROC

We may send you emails to the email address associated to your Account for reasons related to our business relationship, i.e. technical or security reasons, administrative reasons related to your subscription to the Software, to your participation to our events, or to inform you about the evolution of our services offer.

X. Processing of rights requests

In accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” and the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD), effective as of May 25, 2018, you have the following rights regarding processing:

Right of access and rectification

Right of opposition

Right to erasure

Right to portability

Right to limitation of processing

Right to organize the fate of your digital data after death

You can:

Modify your Personal Data directly from your WEPROC Account, if you have one,

Manage the receipt of promotional communications (not related to a transaction) by simply clicking on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of emails sent by WEPROC,

You can exercise these rights by writing to us at the following postal address WEPROC – 2 parvis des écoles bâtiment les beaux-arts bureau B09 83000 TOULON, or by writing directly to our data protection officer at Any request must be motivated and accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document. You may file a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), at the following address

In accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” and the European Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (RGPD), effective as of May 25, 2018, you have the following rights regarding processing:

Weproc Purchasing Software makes managing your business easier

Weproc automates corporate purchasing management and streamlines your exchanges within a collaborative, user-friendly solution.

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