Digitize your supplier invoices

Simplify your supplier invoice management with our solution

Take control of your supplier invoices

Factur-X compliance

Factur-X compliance

Anticipate the new Factur-X regulation by dematerializing your invoices.

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OCR Scanner

OCR Scanner

Easily capture key information from your invoices with our OCR system.

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Validation Circuit

Validation Circuit

Add automated validation circuits for your supplier invoices.

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gestion des factures fournisseurs

17€. This is the cost of processing an invoice when supplier invoices are managed manually.

Your supplier invoices are at the right place

Manual management of supplier invoices can lead to costly errors and considerable loss of time.


Companies that digitize their supplier invoices with Weproc save time and money on processing costs, while reducing the risk of errors and fraud.

Anticipate the Factur-X standard

Stay ahead of the digital curve with Factur-x. Our supplier invoice management solution supports all invoice formats, including Factur-x, for optimal compliance and even more efficient management of your supplier invoices.

centraliser factures fournisseurs

Centralize and store all your supplier invoices

Don’t waste time searching for and archiving your paper invoices. Store them all in a secure and easily accessible location with our supplier invoice digitization solution.

Reading, data extraction and automatic reconciliation

Our OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system allows you to quickly read and extract the key information you need to manage your invoice processing efficiently. Key data is automatically extracted to save you time.

OCR factures fournisseurs

Maintain visibility of your purchase flows

Get an accurate overview of your purchasing flows to better manage your expenses. Our supplier invoice management solution allows you to keep an eye on your purchasing flows and anticipate the risks associated with non-compliance. Centralize all your purchase requests, purchase orders, invoices and pre-accounting in a single interface.

Add validation circuits to your invoices

Accelerate your supplier invoice approval process by adding automated approval paths. Define approval levels for each invoice and save time by reducing approval times with our solution.

valider les factures
ajouter factures fournisseurs

Transfer your invoices in one click

Submit your invoices easily and quickly. Any member of your team or your suppliers can send an invoice in a few clicks, by submitting it directly to the platform via our supplier portal.


Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions ? We got the answers !

What's the purpose of digitizing supplier invoices?

The digitization of supplier invoices has many advantages for companies, including cost reduction, optimization of processing time, reduction of errors and better traceability of financial flows.

In addition, the Factur-x standard will come into effect by 2024, making it a major issue for companies that will soon have to switch to this new format.

How does digitizing supplier invoices help companies reduce administrative costs?

Digitizing supplier invoices is a real challenge for any company, as it reduces administrative costs by automating repetitive tasks and eliminating manual entry errors.

The validation, approval and payment processes can also be accelerated from Weproc, as well as the pre-accounting phase which can be automated.

How does invoice digitization work?

The digitization of supplier invoices is usually done via an electronic invoicing software that allows the invoices to be scanned and processed electronically. The invoices are then stored in a centralized database, which makes them easier to search and consult. With a dematerialized model, it is easier to control your expenses!

With its OCR text recognition system, Weproc allows you to extract data from your invoices to facilitate accounting.

Can the digitization of supplier invoices improve the traceability of purchases?

Digitizing supplier invoices allows for a more accurate tracking of purchase history. Information about suppliers, products and quantities ordered can be easily accessed and stored securely.

In its functionalities, our software helps you to trace your purchases and to detect the faults in the supply process.

Is the digitization of supplier invoices mandatory?

As of July 1, 2024, all companies in France will have to switch to electronic invoicing. The obligation to issue electronic invoices will be introduced gradually between 2024 and 2026, with large companies being the first to comply. Small and medium-sized companies will have to follow suit by January 1, 2026.

You can find the details of this new regulation on the french government website to prepare your transition.

Our additional features

Internal Process

Internal Process

Improve your internal management and ensure the compliance of your procedures with the functionalities of Weproc.

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Purchasing Policy

Purchasing Policy

Improve your purchasing management by customizing your workflows and tracking your budgets with Weproc.

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Supplier Relationship

Supplier Relationship

Boost collaboration with your suppliers for better profitability and productivity within your company.

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Weproc Purchasing Software makes managing your business easier

Weproc automates corporate purchasing management and streamlines your exchanges within a collaborative, user-friendly solution.

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